Tuesday, July 26, 2011


We disembarked in Whittier on Saturday and travelled by coach to Anchorage.  I'll have to check but I'm sure this is one of the larger (if not the largest) city in Alaska.  Although we did not see too much of the city, we weren't altogether impressed with it.  I did not take one single photo while there.

This photo taken at the Denali Wilderness Lodge.

 On Sunday, we "rode the rails" by taking an eight hour ride into the interior of Alaska.  The next three photos below were taken from the train.  One of the small towns we passed along the way had an interesting story attached to it.  The first TV in town was to be found in the local bar.  As the people crowded in one Saturday night to watch America's Most Wanted, lo and behold, they recognized one of the featured criminals.  It was their very own mayor.  Several people called in to identify this guy trying to make sure they were first in order to receive the reward.  When the FBI arrived a day or so later to arrest the criminal, the gentleman who had first called was front and centre to collect the money.  Unfortunately for him, the FBI recognized him as someone on their Most Wanted list as well.  So the FBI were able to arrest two guys on their list and still kept their money!

The elk are being looked after just now at a conservation centre where abandoned or injured animals are cared for.  The centre is very rustic and most of the animals can't even be seen by us because the centre realy keeps the setting natural for them.  There are no buildings or feeding areas that we see.  There's just a fence to keep us away from them.

Taken at conservation centre.

Taken from train.

A visit to the Denali Wilderness Park reminds us to be respectful of Mother Nature.  This is the largest U.S. protected park of its kind.  There is very little human intervention in the park.  Vehicles are only allowed so far into the park.  Then there is a section where park sanctioned buses may continue.  The animals have become used to the buses.  But humans are not allowed off the bus and we were instructed to remain quiet.  The human voice would be frightening to animals.  Most of the park is not accessible to anyone.  The park rangers do not interfere with nature.  They don't rescue animals, they don't feed them.  They simply allow nature to take its course.  
Until next time... 

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