Monday, July 18, 2011


 So much trivia picked up today.  I've got to get some of it written down here before I forget it!

This is one of many totem poles that we were introduced to today.  Apparently this guy honours the story that the Indians told their children about thunder and lightning and where they come from.

Ketchikan is the 4th largest city in Alaska - 57 miles of paved roads, 4 street lights in the city.  Absolutely everything is barged in as this is one of 1800 islands.  Fresh produce is extremely expensive and very difficult for the locals to obtain.

 These photos are taken at Totem Bight Park.  It rains here in Ketchikan 270 days a year.  They get in excess of 13 feet of rain.  We lucked in as it didn't start to rain until after we had returned to the ship.

 The scenery is breathtaking.  It's very mountainous.  So different from looking at concrete everywhere. 
I see the temperature in Toronto today hit 32C.  Here it was about 62F.
Many houses are built on sheer rock on the side of the hills.  Wooden steps lead up to all the homes.  Imagine having a new stove delivered or even just bringing a baby stroller up and down these stairs.  You're talking easily 50+ stairs up to these homes.

There's a Wal-Mart in town (of course) which is the third smallest of the chain.  Our guide indicated that although there are mixed feelings about Wal-Mart in the continental U.S., here the locals love it.  When it opened back in 2000, people came from miles and miles.  Children took the day off school to come to see Wal-Mart.  The shelves were totally emptied in the grand opening and it took two weeks for Wal-Mart to restock.

We're cruising now, heading off to Juneau.  Until next time...

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